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Slide-show: from ‘Storage room’ to ‘Endless Pool room’

During the weekend I created a slide-show that shows how we transformed an old storage room into a room that now hosts our Endless Pool (click here to check out ‘First swim in our Endless Pool’).

The slide-show: http://slideshow.ehuna.org/home/200908-endlesspool/

The slideshow gives you an idea of how houses are built in northern California.  With the insulation and the double pane windows this is the best room in the house!

The song is “New Soul” by the French/Israeli singer Yael Naim.  This song was featured in one of Apple’s recent ads for the MacBook Air.  The slideshow runs for about 10 minutes and the song is about 3 minutes long – so it will repeat.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 27, 2009 9:10 AM.

The previous post in this blog was First swim in our Endless Pool.

The next post in this blog is Accessing the Windows Azure local development fabric from another computer.

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