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Meet “Bingo”, our new pup

Janelle and I just got a new dog!  Meet “Bingo”:


Bingo is a one year old mutt with some cattle dog in him.  We got him in San Francisco, at Stonestown Galleria, from Rocket Dog Rescue.

Pali from Rescue Dogs named him “Cowboy Bob”, but on the way home we chose “Bingo”:


  • He has a big black spot on his back, like a Bingo mark.
  • He looks like a Hobbit - Bingo is a male Hobbit name.
  • I wanted something related to the tech industry and Silicon Valley.  Microsoft just came out with the new search engine www.bing.com – that’s close enough.

We will eventually get a second dog, probably a pit-bull mix, to keep Bingo company.  Below you can find more pictures of Bingo and a great video of him playing with his pal “Tony”.

While Janelle and I were getting Bingo’s paperwork, my Mom watched as Bingo and Tony played in the grass:

The song is “Oceanos” by Djavan.

Here are more pictures of Bingo:









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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 12, 2009 5:00 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Forced to use VMWare on Windows Server 2008 R2, Hyper-V still doesn’t work.

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