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Slide Show: Sandy & Joe's 50th Anniversary trip in Hawaii

This year (2008) is Sandy & Joe's 50th Anniversary - amazing!  To celebrate, the whole family went to the island of Kauai in Hawaii.

We rented a house in the town of Anahola (see http://www.atkauai.com/ for details) and in the above slide show you'll see pictures of us scuba diving, on the beach, playing golf or poker and much more.  The music is from a famous Brazilian singer, Gilberto Gil.

Update: I created a high-res slideshow - check it out here:


To make the slide show, I selected pictures from different albums - if you'd like to view or download the individual pictures, see:

  (username and password required - for family only)

In addition to the selected pictures, there are a bunch of other albums:

This was a great trip - hopefully the first of many to come - Emma and Nora want to have another chance at the "Annual Anahola World Championship of Poker"!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 14, 2008 10:16 PM.

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The next post in this blog is My first impressions of Google's new browser: Chrome.

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