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Slide Show: Philippe and Sylvie get married

Last week, on April 19 2008, in Quimperle, France, my cousin Philippe got married to his sweetheart Sylvie.

I selected roughly 50 pictures from the wedding at city hall, the religious ceremony, and the reception.  I then cropped and zoomed, added some transition effects and music, re-sorted and created the slide show above. 

If you'd like to view or download the individual pictures you can find them at:

(username and password required - for family and friends only)

Congratulations Philippe and Sylvie!  Janelle and I wish you many years of happiness and I'm psyched to have met some of your closest family and friends.

Note: the video is being shown through the YouTube.com service.  YouTube randomly picks a frame for the video for the preview background.  That's the reason you see a picture of Sylvie and I by default - it's completely random.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 27, 2008 11:19 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Slide Show: Sandy & Joe's 50th Anniversary trip in Hawaii.

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